20 February, 2013

Finn-ally, The Hug

Rewarded this time.
It was such a small thing.
In fact, it lasted only a few seconds.

I have written about my grandson and my inability to pick him up when he indicates he wants that. (See: I Want To, Finn) I've often wondered if he were puzzled by that when everyone else picks him up so readily or if he were even wary of me for that.

I've also noted elsewhere that I can easily hold him if he's placed on my right arm by another. When he was much smaller, he would sit nestled in my arm as he slept. As he got older, he seemed a little resistant to sitting with me on the couch, but slowly and steadily he has adjusted. The amount of time he would spend with me gradually lengthened. When others held him, he began to indicate he wanted me, and the durations of those carrying episodes gradually lengthened as well. Although he continued to seem a little tentative, I am a patient man.

A few days ago he did something he never has before - at least with me. I was on the couch, and his mom, with him, sat down there too. He came over to me, leaned on my chest with his chest and his head, and placed an arm/hand on each of my shoulders (each side of my head).

Although it was his birthday, I got the gift.
He had hugged me for the first time.

I am such a happy man - in spite of the tears.