That's the trick. I do want him to be proud of me. I know it seems like we usually say it the other way round, but I think this makes more sense. But ... that's not the only expectation.
Recently I received this from him.
And then there was the text that accompanied his footprints.
"Walk a little slower, grandpa," said a little child so small.
I'm following in your footsteps, and I don't want to fall."
"Sometimes your steps are very fast; sometimes they're hard to see.
So walk a little slower, grandpa, for you are leading me.
"Someday when I am all grown up, you're what I want to be.
By then I'll have a little child who'll want to follow me.
"And I would want to lead just right and know that I was true.
So walk a little slower, grandpa, for I must follow you."
Deep breath.