This is the story behind last Monday's {this moment}.
This sign hung near my office door for many years. I spent about four years as dean of one of the five divisions of Utica College, and I then spent a dozen years as Vice-President and Dean of the College, the chief academic officer.
I'd like to think we laughed a lot in my office. Okay - I know we did. I had purchased this sign at the San Diego Zoo, although it read "animals" rather than "the dean." It seemed a natural change.
I should add that I didn't want to experience any of those things, and they were rare occurrences. I can recall only once, in fact. I loved those years, and as is often quoted "if you love your job, you'll never work a day in your life." It's true.
So when I see this sign, I recall sixteen wonderful years of a nearly 40 year career. As I near retirement, I think I'll give the sign to someone I like who needs it. Maybe it will work for them.
I am filled with wonderful memories and am a most fortunate man.