1 - cath of ~just my thoughts offers beautiful photography wonderfully woven into thoughts about life's journey. Even the occasional poem; awakening is a favorite. I was an instant fan of this blog.
2 - Phoenix of Socrates and Serendipity has been quiet of late due an accident but is about to return. Phoenix documents a journey of self-discovery searching for personal truth and peace and with many unexpected, fortunate discoveries along the way. Well done too.
3 - Paul C of quoteflections, a regular eclectic mind fix, is a retired educator and self-professed life long learner offering us a "mind fix" that blends quotes, images, and quality thought. He always has something to make me think deeper.
4 - Savira of LIVE LAUGH BREATHE, LIVE In The Moment LAUGH Always BREATHE With Awareness, The Art Of Oneness Through The Practice Of Yoga On And Off The Mat ... My Journey Of Balancing The Internal And External Gems Of This Ancient Practice. She deserves a a special award just for having the longest title! Seriously though, there is a lot to learn here and well worth the effort.
5 - Kate of Hotdishing says she bares her soul as she focuses on life's trials and tribulations, successes and failures, and funny moments with a music link to accompany each post. She's successful. I'm fairly new to this site, but I really like it.
6 - Laurie of Three Dog Blog shares stories, stories, and more wonderful stories of life. Always an enjoyable visit.
7 - Nancy of BLissed-Out Grandma helps us savor life's smaller moments - which are, of course, the important ones. A visit here is to take a deep cleansing breath.
8 - Rosemarie of In Pursuit of Quietness says she is "in search of her inner meaning or something like that." It's interesting to watch her journey and easy for me to identify with since we're about the same age and I married the daughter of an Italian immigrant.
9 - Debbie of Confessions of a Cluttered mind is a playwright, freelance author, and editor who loves to rant, vent and observe what life is like for her in the 21st century. Always fun.
10 - Karla of Crow Droppings tells us about her thoughts, travels and personal revelations with the occasional epiphany and "quirp" on things of interest to her but which "could bore the pants off of a few." Not to worry. Some amazing photography too.
Now - ten perhaps new revelations about moi.
1 - Moi is one of the few French words I know. I took one semester as a first year university student and barely managed a D+. I retreated to the safety of Latin to finish my language requirement and added three more years to the four years I took in high school
2 - I cry easily, tear up anyway. I'm not as bad as the current Speaker of the House, but it doesn't take much. Rituals and ceremonies revolving around things important to me, human misfortune, triumphs of the human spirit, a horse race, a poignant memory, beauty however represented. Yep - I'm a softie.
3 - I rarely go to church. Although quite spiritual, I'm not very religious. Then there's a good chance the power of the ritual will bring a tear - so I tend to avoid it. Mostly I think I just got tired of the hypocrisy of people who talked like Christians but rarely acted like them - except in church. Who knew - since I'm named after three Methodist ministers: an uncle, a grandfather, and a great grandfather.
4 - In spite of being a softie, I have a sarcastic streak - which I'm very good at controlling, thank goodness. I always warn my students when they might expect it and encourage them not to be deterred. When they tell me, however, they can't find an answer anywhere, it's hard to resist asking them if they have ever used or know how to use a book index.
5 - I turn the lights out in empty classrooms as I walk down the hallway.
6 - Growing up, I always wanted to be an architect. Somehow I'd forgotten that by the time I was old enough to decide on a university and a major.
7 - French wasn't my only problem as a first year university student. I failed calculus - although I always believed the teacher was the one who failed. This was a big problem for an aspiring physics major. So ... now I'm an experimental psychologist.
8 - My favorite wines are beefy but elegant reds - big, bold, and chewy with good wood, slow falling legs, and a long strong finish. Um ... at least I think we're still talking about wine.
9 - I believe my father was right to teach me that if something is worth doing at all, it is worth doing well.
10 - I did well in my university ROTC courses in Naval Science - especially celestial navigation. In fact, I still have the text - Dutton's Navigation and Piloting. I'm pretty sure that's why I have never been lost at sea at night.