It's all you need. Good book. iPhone.
Some quality beads to mouth - if I drop my pacifier.
Can't start working too soon on my upper body strength -
so here I am showing off at a local park.
That strength isn't just for showing off -
it's also useful for getting perfectly situated in my stroller.
Indoor workout? Of course.
Mommy's always right there though.
She knows I want to try that giant swing - just like at the Olympics.
A bit of artfully concealed cooling down after my workout.
Discretion is important to learn early, I think.
Some princes have yet to learn that.
I'm so hungry after my workout that I could eat the menu.
Minnie Pearly would approve.
Another day, another bistro.
But now it's time to look out on those brash Rocky Mountains
and reflect a bit on what a great ride I'm having so far.